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User Agreement

This user agreement ("agreement" or "terms") specify the legally binding terms and condition that shall govern your usage of our website and the services thereof. You are requested and required to read these terms carefully before using the website and services offered by B4TheWedding LLC- [hereinafter "b4TheWedding"] We have incorporated by reference all linked information.
You expressly agree that by using the website in any manner or mode, including but not limited to visiting or browsing the website, you (the "user") you consent to be bound by these terms including those additional terms and conditions and policies referenced herein and/or available by hyperlink. These terms are applicable to all users of the Site, including without limitation users who are consumers or their representatives or any visitor to the site who uses the site for any commercial reason in relation to information and other materials or services on the Site.
We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time at our discretion and you agree to be bound by the amended terms. You are advised to keep checking the terms regularly. If B4TheWedding makes a material change, B4TheWedding will notify you here, by email, by means of a notice on our home page, or other places B4TheWedding deems appropriate. What constitutes a "material change" will be determined at B4TheWedding sole discretion, in good faith, and using common sense and reasonable judgment.


"Agreement" shall mean this user agreement between the Parties, subject to the terms and conditions of providing Services, attached appendices or other documents incorporated in these terms and conditions.
"Account" means the post-registration account that you will be provided with us to manage your activities with us.
"Buyer" means an individual who uses our website to inquire, post advertisements, offers or hires a seller or contractor through our website
"Offer" means an offer or bid that is posted, managed or promoted by the seller or freelancer on the "offer requirement" through our website
"Offer Requirement" means the offer document listing out all that is on offer and the terms governing it.
"Project" "Offer" or "Listing" means a job or contract (related to wedding and related functions) offered or awarded by a Buyer through our Website, which may include a Project or Contest listed by a Buyer, a project awarded by a Buyer, a service bought by a Buyer from a Seller, and service awarded by a Buyer to a Seller as a result of a Contest or competition hosted via the Website.
"Seller" means a User that offers, posts or promotes an offer of sale through our website.
"Seller Services" means all services provided by Sellers related and limited to wedding and associated functions.
"User", "you" or "your" means an individual or company representative who visits or uses the website.
"User Agreement" means: (1) this User Agreement; (2) the privacy policy (3) any other contractual provisions accepted by both the Seller and Buyer uploaded to the Website, to the extent not inconsistent with the User Agreement and the privacy policy and (4) the Project terms as awarded and accepted on the Website, to the extent not inconsistent with the User Agreement and the Code of Conduct.
"Website" shall mean the websites operated by B4TheWedding and available at: and any related B4TheWedding service, extension, CMS or mobile or tablet application.


The official language of these terms shall be English.
The headings and sub-headings are merely for convenience purpose and shall not be used for interpretation.
In case there exists a machine readable version of this agreement, arises a conflict with the human readable version, the later shall prevail.


B4TheWedding services are available only to, and may only be used by, companies, societies and individuals (who are 18 years and older) who can form legally binding contracts under applicable law. You represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years old and that all registration information you submit is accurate and truthful.
Individuals under the age of 18 must at all times use B4TheWedding services only in conjunction with and under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who is at least 18 years of age. In this all cases, the adult is the user and is responsible for any and all activities.
You agree to comply with all local laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content. You are responsible for all applicable taxes.
Users may provide a business name or a company name, which is to be associated with the User's Account. Users acknowledge and agree that where a business name or company name is associated with their Account, this User Agreement is a contract with the User as an individual (not the business or company) and Users remain solely responsible for all activity undertaken in respect of their Account. However, the user, if required, must produce required documents to prove his ownership of that business name or intellectual property rights over the related trademarks.
We may, at our absolute discretion, refuse to register a person or corporate entity as a User.


Password: You are required to keep your password secure. You shall assume absolute and sole liability for all activity, liability and damage resulting from your failure to maintain password confidentiality and secrecy. You agree to immediately notify B4TheWedding of any unauthorized use of your password or any breach of security. You also agree that B4TheWedding cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to keep your password secure. You agree not to provide your username and password information in combination to any other party other than B4TheWedding without B4TheWedding express written permission.

Account Information:

You shall keep your account information up-to-date and accurate at all times, including a valid email address. Your payment information, as provided to us, shall also be accurate and genuine at all times. You agree that your account information can be made available to B4TheWedding administration or its' appointed employees or contractors. You agree that you have ensured that your access of our website and its services are completely in accordance with local laws of your respective state, territory or country.

Account Transfer:

You shall not transfer or sell your B4TheWedding account and User ID to another party. If you are registering as a business entity, you personally guarantee that you have the authority to bind the respective entity to this Agreement.


You shall comply with all applicable domestic and international laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations regarding your use of the Site and any B4TheWedding service and, if applicable, your listing, purchase, solicitation of offers to purchase, and sale of items. In addition, you shall be responsible for paying any and all taxes applicable to any purchases or sales of items you make on the Site (excluding any taxes on B4TheWedding net income).


B4TheWedding expects and requires the user to refrain from:


We are a venue, which allow wedding planners, venues and other wedding professionals to post their services and to bid or offer proposal for the wedding related service requirement offers posted by the users. The website mechanism is explained below:

The website has two important types of users:

Buyers: The users who shall post "offer requirement" on our website or hire the "freelancers" or "sellers" through our website by:

The moment buyer accepts the bid posted by the seller on the "offer requirement" posted by the buyer and the seller accepts the same, a user agreement shall be deemed to have been signed between the buyer and the seller. Under the said agreement, the buyer shall purchase and the seller shall sell the services and products as notified in the offer requirement.
You agree that while transacting through this website, you will carry out all your obligations towards the website, its employees and other users. You are liable individually if you fail to complete a transaction without any permissible cause.
If another User breaches any obligation to you, you are solely responsible for enforcing any rights that you may have. For the avoidance of doubt, we have no responsibility for enforcing any rights under a User Contract.
At no point of time, a joint venture, partnership or any other class of right apart from that of independent contractor shall exist between the buyer and the seller. Both parties shall be solely responsible to fight their legal claims against each other in accordance with the dispute resolution policy given below.


When a bid or offer is accepted by the buyer, we require him to pay the total bid amount to us which shall be kept in a separate account with us till the project is completed. Once the buyer confirms to us that the work has been completed by the seller, we shall release the payment to the seller's account after deducting our commissions and charges as explained below. With the consent of the buyer, the seller may ask for an advance payment of 25% from the total amount deposited by the buyer. The buyer may also opt for periodic payments or contingent payments by which successive installments of the amount will be released to the seller at completion of certain "milestones" or "tasks" of certain percentage of the total work allotted, as notified in the "offer requirement" or as "negotiated by the users". We are NOT required to or inclined to award any interest to any user for any amount withheld with us in the escrow account or any other account in relation to this website.


Listing of projects or wedding related "offer requirements" is free with us. We DO NOT charge anything for posting on our website; neither do we charge for any job or "freelancer availability" listing with us. When a buyer hires a freelancer or seller, we deduct nothing of the total "accepted bid amount" from the buyers account while 8.75% of the total bid amount is deducted from the account of wedding freelancer.

Unless otherwise stated, all fees are quoted in United States Dollars.


B4TheWedding, and other B4TheWedding graphics, logos, designs, page headers, button icons, scripts, and service names are registered trademarks, trademarks or trade address of B4TheWedding in the United States and other countries.

B4TheWedding trademarks and trade address may not be used, including as part of trademarks and/or as part of domain names or email addresses, in connection with any product or service in any manner that is likely to cause confusion.

You agree that we may display your company or business name, logo, images or other media, and public description of your Projects and profile as part of the B4TheWedding Services and/or other marketing materials relating to the B4TheWedding Website, except where you have explicitly requested that we do not do this and we have agreed to such request.
You agree that whatever content you post on the website except for your registered trademark or registered trademark or proprietary material of others with their permission, shall become the sole property of the website without any reservation unless if we have agreed to such reservation in writing.
Any infringement of our intellectual property rights will be dealt strongly by our legal team. You are bound by terms to notify us of any such infringement as soon as you come to notice it
If you believe that you have information that something posted in our website infringes your IP rights or IP rights of a third party, please inform us at


You expressly agree and acknowledge that we may employ or collaborate with third party payment gateways using secure SSL connections in order to facilitate, distribute, transact and receive payments for the services offered and received on or through this website. We reserve the right to change or replace the payment gateway on our sole discretion without any reservation whatsoever. We do not store your bank information with us and everything is completed through secure third party payment gateways and at no point of time we assume any liability for any loss of data or wrongful payment or invalid payment processing by such a third party. You agree that you will hold us harmless against any such dispute or legal claim.


Links from or to websites outside this Web Site are meant for convenience only. B4TheWedding does not review, endorse, approve or control, and is not responsible for any sites linked from or to this Web Site, the content of those sites, the third parties named therein, or their products or services. Linking to any other site is at your sole risk and B4TheWedding will not be responsible or liable for any damages in connection with linking. B4TheWedding disclaims all warranties, express and implied as to the accuracy, validity and legality of any materials or information found on those sites.


You are strictly prohibited from:
Using the website for posting offensive, illegal, immoral, defamatory, blasphemous or incorrect information on the website.
Disclose your email address and other personal contact information on the website.
Disclose or distribute on the website, any material or information that rightfully belongs to a third party or is intellectual property of a third party.
Posting reviews, feedback or ratings of users on this website on any third party website.
Using the website for any illegal or unlawful activity.
Posting your account or bank details on the website.
Posting about your disputes with us or any third party member in public, irrespective of the place of posting.


In order to prevent scams, the first time users may be required to submit the entire bid amount with our escrow account while posting a bid for first 5 times after which they can pay in structured installments before the completion of the project.
Additionally, the payment of the freelancers for the first five projects shall be delayed by a period of 15 days in order to avoid scams and frauds.
If we become aware that any funds received into an Account from another Account as a result of a fraudulent transaction (e.g. paid a Contingent Payment using a stolen credit card) it will be reversed immediately. If those funds have already been released to you, you must pay the funds into your Account. If you do not do so, we may suspend, limit or cancel your account, or take action against you to recover those funds.

We may, in our sole discretion, place a limit on any or all of the funds in your Account (thereby preventing any use of the funds) if:


We may require for some users to have a minimum of $15 in your account before you can bid or post offer requirements on our website. This amount will be held by us at our escrow account in order cover future deductions in term of concerned project fee and commissions. If your account fails to maintain the threshold limit, we may have to send you a notice for maintaining the threshold limit.

You are permitted to have different currencies in your account and in case you wish to convert them to some other currency, the applicable exchange rate will be notified to you and same shall be deducted from your account. We reserve the right to reverse the payments made by to third party in order to settle our dues or to avoid any scam or fraud. In the event that we offset a negative amount of funds pursuant to this section, it may be bundled with another debit coming out of your Account. We reserve the right to collect any funds owed to us by using other legal means.

We expressly state and your expressly acknowledge that we are not a banking or financial institution and in no case whatsoever shall be expected to deliver any kind of financial service to you.

WE acknowledge that the funds shown in your Account (which may include Contingent Payments and/or any prepayment of fees and charges which you owe to us) represents our unsecured obligations to you with respect to your rights to direct us to make payment in relation to the purchase and sale of Seller Services through the Website and provision of the B4TheWedding Services;
The fund mechanism in no way creates any trust or fiduciary relationship between us. Funds may only loaded into your Account, or released from your Account, by us and you must only use the mechanisms available on the Website to pay for, or receive funds in respect of Seller Services. We reserve the right to place any operational bar or limit on your account in case a dispute is received which concerns you.


We allow refunds to the users who have funds in their account and want to settle their dues with or want to close their account. We also allow refunds in cases of an incomplete deal. The payment method shall be same for refund as was when the payment was made. However, we reserve the right to change the payment method in certain special circumstances.

We may refund funds to Users irrespective of whether a User has requested funds be refunded if:

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